
Operational setup and skill analysis of a sub-seasonal forecasting system for detecting heat stress


Heat waves and heat stress conditions can have dramatic impacts on human health or agriculture but also negatively affect workers’ productivity in various industry sectors. In the framework of the Horizon2020 project HEAT-SHIELD, MeteoSwiss has set up an operationally running forecast system for detecting heat stress risk situations. The forecasting system consists of site-specific post-pro-cessing of the extended range forecasts of the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) based on an extensive set of weather stations all over Europe.

AuteursNoti P-A, Spirig Ch, Casanueva A, Bhend J, Liniger M A
ÉditionTechnical Report MeteoSwiss No. 281
TypePublications scientifiques
  • Dangers
  • Système de mesure et de prévision
  • Météo

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